RWRA Three (3) Duplex Pump Control Panels, BID 2025-29.
Mainline-Lateral Connection Lining FY 25-1, Bid 2025-24
Service Contracts: Electrical, Grout Pumping and Mechanical (Entry), Bid 2025-02
Tunnel Manhole Rehab F/Y 24-1 (RE-BID)
Peracetic Acid 15%, Bid 2025-19
Single Axle Dump Truck, Bid 2025-18
Maintenance Crane Truck, Bid 2025-16
Emergency Bypass Pumping, Bid 2025-12
Front Loader – Mid Size Wheel, Bid 2025-11
Combination Truck Mounted Sewer Cleaner, Bid 2025-10
Electric Half Ton Pickup Truck, RFP 2025-09
Ready Mixed Concrete, RFP 2024-26
Preserve Pump Station Tie-In, Contract #2024-17
Sludge Removal & Hauling Services, Contract 2024-21
CIPP Rehabilitation Project F/Y 24-2, Contract 2024-16
5th Street Tunnel Grouting Project, Contract 2024-19
Bulk Liquid Polymer for Sludge Dewatering Process, Contract 2024-18 Bid Tab
DC Fast Charging Station Purchase, Contract 2024-14 Bid Tab
Williamsburg Square Pump Station & Force Main Upgrades, Contract 2022-13
Two Diesel Utility Vehicles, Contract 2024-13 Bid Tab
RWRA Maintenance Building Re-Roof Project, Contract 2023-28 Bid Tab
Cured In Place Sewer Pipeline Rehabilitation Project – F/Y 24-1, Contract 2024-09 Bid Tab
Manhole Coating Rehabilitation Project – F/Y 24-1, Contract 2024-10 Bid Tab.
Ready-Mixed Concrete, contract 2023-27 Bid Tab
David Hawes Plant Administration Building Re-roof, contract 2023-24 Bid Tab
Horsefork Pump Station Building Re-roof, contract 2023-25 Bid Tab
Network and Cybersecurity Assessment Contract 2023-20 Bid Tab
SCADA Software Replacement Contract 2023-18 Bid Tab
David Hawes Plant Non-Potable Water Line, Contract 2023-17
West Parrish Avenue Sewer Project, Contract 2023-15
CIPP Rehabilitation Project 2023-13 Bid Tab
Max Rhoads Plant WWTP Capital Improvement Project, Contract 2023-10
David Hawes Plant WWTP Capital Improvements Project 2023-09 Bid Tab & Apparent low bidder letter
Ravine Sewer Replacement Project 2022-17 Bid Tab
Parkway Drive Interceptor Project 2022-09 Bid Tab