Billing and Rates

An Explanation of Purpose & Rates

The Regional Water Resource Agency (RWRA) is the local provider of comprehensive water reclamation services for Owensboro and Daviess County.

RWRA’s goal is to provide quality service at a reasonable price to its customers.  RWRA’s focus has been to evaluate and characterize the existing system in order to establish priorities for operation and maintenance.  Efforts have also included the improvement of environmental conditions within the community by reducing combined sewer overflows and by systematically eliminating package water reclamation facilities and failing septic systems.

RWRA’s rates are established upon the recommendation of the RWRA Board of Directors by a majority vote.  Any and all rate changes are approved or disapproved by the Rate Review Board.  The Rate Review Board is comprised of the members of the Owensboro City Commission and Daviess County Fiscal Court sitting as a single body, solely for the purpose of approving or disapproving any and all rate changes. The Rate Review Board does not have the authority to initiate rate changes.

See Rate Review Board Members

Customer Service Charge

Effective July 1, 2024, all RWRA customers will be charged a monthly Customer Service Charge of $22.45 which will be based on meter size.  The following is a schedule of values to be charged based on corresponding meter size:

5/8 inch meter $22.45
1 inch meter $22.45
1 1/2 inch meter $50.51
2 inch meter $89.80
3 inch meter $202.05
4 inch meter $359.20
5 inch meter $561.25
6+ inch meter $808.20

Wastewater User Charge

The Wastewater User Charge is $4.690 per 1,000 gallons of usage or $3.508 per 100 cubic feet of usage.  (1 cubic foot = 7.48 gallons)

Environmental Improvement Fee/ Charges

Effective July 1, 2021, all RWRA customers will be charged an Environmental Improvement Fee of $9.950 per customer.  Non-residential customers that have a monthly use above 15,000 gallons will be charged an additional $0.630 per 1,000 gallons above the 15,000 gallons of usage.

Capacity Fee

All RWRA customers will be charged a monthly Capacity Fee which will be based on meter size.  The following is a schedule of values to be charged based on corresponding meter size:

5/8 inch meter $0.53
1 inch meter $0.53
1 1/2 inch meter $1.19
2 inch meter $2.12
3 inch meter $4.77
4 inch meter $8.48
5 inch meter $13.25
6+ inch meter $19.08

Facilities Compliance Project Fee

All RWRA customers, beginning July 1st 2023, will be subject to a monthly Facilities Compliance Plan Fee based on meter size. The Facilities Compliance Plan fees fund construction projects to bring both the David Hawes Plant and Max Rhoads Plant back into compliance with their Kentucky Division of Water permits, allow for extra capacity to facilitate future economic growth of the community, provide new treatment of nutrient removal required by the Kentucky Division of Water in the near future, and will replace aging infrastructure that has performed for years past it’s designed lifespan. The following is a schedule of values to be charged based on corresponding meter size:

5/8″ Meter = $9.98

1″ Meter = $9.98

1 1/2″ Meter = $33.68

2″ Meter = $79.84

3″ Meter = $269.46

4″ Meter = $638.72

5″ Meter = $1,247.50

6″ Meter and Larger= $2,155.68

System Development Fee

When the RWRA system is modified (i.e., line extension, lift station upgrade, etc.) to accept flow from new customers, a “System Development Fee” will be assessed to those customers.  The current system development fee is $2,178.000 ($13.780 per month) for all new customers.  Properties that have multiple ERUs would have a calculated System Development Fee based on the calculated ERU value.

Assessment Fee

When the extension of service requires the construction of collection sewers within a neighborhood or area, the associated cost of the extension is pro-rated and apportioned to the served properties.  The project costs vary between projects.  Existing property owners, within newly served areas, have the option to finance the assessment fees on their monthly bill or pay the full amount in advance.

Examples of calculation for residential user:

Bill that includes Monthly Assessment Charge:
Customer Service Charge $22.45
Average Wastewater User Charge * $19.70
Capacity Fee $0.53
System Development Fee $13.78
Assessment (Monthly Finance Charge) ** $53.50
Environmental Improvement Fee $9.95
Facilities Compliance (FCP) Fee $9.98
Total Monthly Bill $129.89
* Based on approximately 4,200 gallons (561 cubic feet) of usage.
** Based on assessment of $7,460 financed at 6% for 20 years.
Bill that does NOT include Monthly Assessment Charge:
Customer Service Charge $22.45
Average Wastewater User Charge * $19.70
Capacity Fee $0.53
System Development Fee $13.78
Environmental Improvement Fee $9.95
Facilities Compliance (FCP) Fee $9.98
Total Monthly Bill $76.39
* Based on approximately 4,200 gallons (561 cubic feet) of usage.

The monthly amounts for System Development and Assessment fees will be removed from customer billing once all fees are paid off.

Commercial/Industrial Surcharge Fees

Commercial/Industrial customers with high-strength waste above the RWRA discharge limits will be assessed “surcharges” to offset the additional cost of treatment.  Current charges are $0.220 per pound of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and $0.212 per pound of Total Suspended Solids (TSS)  for strength exceeding 265 mg/l. For effluent that exceeds a Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) to BOD ratio of 2.24, a surcharge of $0.10 per pound of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) exceeding 600mg/l will be charged with a multiplier of 1.5. Any COD to BOD ratio exceeding 4.125 will have a multiplier of 2. Also, for all customers with Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) with any amounts above 100 mg/l, the charge will be $0.221 per pound.

Rate Ordinance

The RWRA General Fund rate resolution can be found here:

The RWRA Facilities Compliance Plan rate resolution can be found here: