Pretreatment and Industrial Waste

Fats, Oils, and Grease Management Policy

Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) are generated during food preparation. When water is used to clean kitchen fixtures and utensils, FOG is washed down the drain where it cools and separates. The separated FOG accumulates in and can cause blockages in drains, sewer pipes and the collection systems.  FOG clogs damage wastewater infrastructure, including home plumbing.

RWRA’s FOG Management Policy requires Food Service Establishments to properly use grease interceptors to prevent FOG related issues in the sewer system.

Further general information regarding FOG can be found here:

The RWRA FOG Management Policy can be found here:

The grease interceptor sizing and selection worksheet can be found here:

The grease interceptor reference document “grease factor chart” can be found here:

The mobile food unit discharge form can be found here:

The grease interceptor variance form can be found here: